Hello and Welcome to Amiga Debbie's Page. |

Thank you for visiting my page. My goal is to inspire you, your friends, families, and our community to help the homeless in our cities. If you are not from Seattle, I hope to inspire you to help the homeless folks in your city, your town, or your country.
If you have received a business card from me or you have seen my cardboard saying "Be Inspired... AmigaDebbie.org" Thank you for visiting my page.
Please come back from time to time to see what's new and what I have been doing to help those in my community. I hope to hear from you and/or see you again someday in volunteering, networking, or dropping off donations for the homeless I support.
About me:
Since November 24, 2009, I started volunteering with the homeless serve downtown (6th and Columbia St.). I would like to invite you to view the gallery of pictures by clicking the link below: https://www.meetup.com/SeattleVolunteers/photos/
It takes one and all of us to step up and make a difference in someone's life no matter how small the act of kindness is. Our support to the homeless and families in need could make a small difference or could make a huge difference in their lives.
Please be advised that I am not affiliated with any individual or any organizations listed on my AmigaDebbie.org page or Amiga Debbie Friends Facebook page. No one has my authorization to contact you or your business to solicit any monetary donations or any type of donations on my behalf.
I am not a non-profit organization, a social worker, or a business. I am blessed to have a great community of folks donating their time as volunteers, donating food and drinks to help those in need. I inspire folks and they inspire me to help the homeless and other organizations in need. All monetary donations from friends, family, and individuals will go towards the purchase of food and items that the homeless do not often receive as a donation.
From my own saving funds, money I raised through events, and donations from friends, neighbors, and several communities who support my passion, I am able to provide food and much needed items such as sleeping bags, backpacks, tents, flashlights, lanterns, batteries, clothing, underwear, shoes, socks, toiletries, etc. to many homeless folks and low income families in need.
During the cold winter months, I bring blankets, warm clothing, hand warmers, shoes, socks, toiletries, etc. During the hot summer days, I bring summer wear, ice-cream, frozen water bottles and distribute them to the homeless folks. The best way to support the homeless is by volunteering your time and by giving donations directly to them. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact me by clicking on the above "contact" button. Thank you!
Donations needed: toiletries, all size of batteries, all sizes for men/women underwear, seasonal clothing, fleece blankets, hand warmers, umbrellas, scarves, beanies, socks, backpacks, sports bags, sleeping bags, any type of bags (garbage, zip lock, or canvas), and snacks.
Thank you for your support and caring hearts! <3
What I have done in the recent years and what I am currently doing as a volunteer:
I raise awareness, inspire folks to volunteer and support the homeless in our community and their community. Inspiring folks to come out and serve a meal and volunteer at my events.
September 16, 2022 to Present, feeding and bringing donations to the homeless folks in the Everett area on Mondays and Wednesdays.
February 18, 2022 to Present, volunteering at the Northshore Senior Center. Helping in the kitchen from prepping food and helping to assemble to go boxes for the senior lunches. Dishwashing, cleaning, and moving goods to their designated areas.
November 11, 2021, volunteered at a fundraising event at Bastyr University. The funds raised are going to be used for feeding the homeless teens in Seattle.
From May 2020 to May 2021, I prepared meals and gave donations for the homeless in the Everett area (Home Depot and near the Carnegie Hall.
From May 2018 to May 2020, I volunteered and supported a group of folks who were serving food for the homeless in the Seattle area by bringing food and donations to various locations in Seattle & Everett. Volunteers of all ages are welcome to join. Please contact me for more details.
What I have done in the past as a volunteer and with non-profit organizations:
From June 2019 to October 2019, I supported the families and women living in their cars at a local church's Safe Parking Program by bringing them hot meals and donations.
I raised money to buy extra items that normally are not donated regularly for the homeless. Used the funds to feed and support the homeless in our city. Also volunteered, raised money and donated to the Rock Church in Moroe's Food Rescue Program, donated to the Monroe Senior Community Center's fresh fruit and vegetable funding. Also donated funds to Mathew's house to buy new mattresses for the baby cribs.
From April 2019 to July 2019, I was a volunteer and supporter of the Monroe Community Senior Center by helping in the kitchen and dining area and providing lunches for the seniors. Also supported their thrift shop by purchasing donated items and donating items for their store. Participated in their bingo and bunco events. Also, attended and supported their annual silent auction event.
Between November 2009 through December 2017, I have been a volunteer and hostess with AOK (Acts of Kindness) Friends by preparing food, bringing donations, raising funds and donating money to the organization. I have also dropped off donations, food, water, soft drinks, ice-cream, and candy for the homeless standing outside the Union Gospel Mission in Seattle. Secured a mini van for AOK Friends food transportation (Thanks to Jack L. for his generous donation). Dropped off donations for the homeless supported by Facing Homelessness. Volunteered with Kay Abe and her church group "The Lords Table" on weeknights in 2015.
From 2014 to Nov. 2, 2018: Volunteered with Sleepless in Seattle as a team leader. Helped to distribute sleeping bags, blessing bags, socks, and snacks to the homeless in our city. I will continue to volunteer with this organization and look forward to support them each year. For more information about Sleepless in Seattle: http://sleeplessinseattle.org/
I volunteered at Mary's Place in Northshore, a family shelter housing homeless families. There are more volunteers positions available and needed throughout the year at Mary's Place. To become a volunteer, please sign up as a volunteer on their website: http://www.marysplaceseattle.org/
I volunteered with Birthday dreams by delivering a birthday package to a child/children to help celebrate their special day. Also, donated toys to give to the children they support and attended their annual auction as a volunteer and supporter.
Volunteered with the MoreLove Project by joining their Search and Rescue evening to help feed the homeless in Seattle. Also donated to their silent auction my Peruvian cookies to raise funding for their cause.
Volunteered and supported Turkcha, a women charity and aid organization. This organization supports homeless women in the Seattle area with a monthly meal and donations. Also, dropped off winter items (scarves, gloves, and hats) to the women at the YWCA in Lynnwood thanks to Value Village in Totem Lake for the wonderful donation.
On September 22, 2018, Volunteered an evening with the Fremont Arts Council during the Luminata event in Green Lake.
Between March 3, 2018 to December 2018, I visited a new homeless encampment called Camp Second Chance bringing food and donations to their residents. On December 2018, I dropped off many painting donated by The Paint Palace for the residents to decorate their tiny homes and give the paintings to their families as gifts. Thank you, Elizabeth Shriner. www.facebook.com/ThePaintedPalaces/
From Dec. 30, 2017 to Jan. 2018, I brought rescued food, clothing, shoes, blankets, and toiletries to the homeless in Wallingford. These donations were made possible by The Rock Church's food rescue program, Value Village in Totem Lake, my community, friends, and family.
From September 2017 to October 2017, I tutored Spanish sessions for middle and high school students at local libraries. The cost of the sessions was free with a donation of sleeping bags, backpacks (all types), tarps, tents, thermal clothing, hand and toes warmers, and fleece blankets to help the homeless have a more bearable winter in this cold and rainy city.
From May 2017 to September 2017, I helped the folks at a local church where families and women are allowed to park their cars overnight by hosting/serving weekly dinners for 20-30 folks with friends/volunteers. I also served and/or coordinated breakfast/lunch drop offs each week. Each Monday, a volunteer did manicures and pedicures, prepared brunch or brought bagels with cream cheese and smoked salmon for brunch. I brought coloring books and gel pens to share with the women, and distributed donations from my friends and different communities. If you are interested to host a meal or volunteer with this organization, visit their website: http://www.lwumc.com/do/community-involvement/safe-parking-program/
From April 2017 to May 2017, I have volunteered at St. James Cathedral Hall by preparing dinner in the kitchen for about 180 folks with occasional visits to bring them soft drinks, candies, food, and donations.
Between 2009 to 2016, I have also volunteered with several non-profit organizations such as Food Lifeline, Sleepless in Seattle, The Genesis Project, and Seattle Basket Brigade.
From November 2015 to March 2016, I found a homeless organization to support, a temporary shelter located in Bellevue. Prepared meals once to two times per week and brought food to feed about 80 men. With the help of volunteers from meetup.com, we were able to provide a variety of foods. Also, we brought donations of clothing, backpacks, shoes, and toiletries.
From November 2016 until March 2017, I supported the homeless folks in SODO "the jungle" (until they were relocated in March 2017) by bringing them donations from our friends and community (food, water, clothing, shoes, socks, toilet paper, and toiletries).
From October 2016 to November 23, 2016, I was supporting Esther's Place (Hoff Foundation) in Everett by spending several hours with their drop in "clients", bringing bread, bagels, pastries, coffee, containers, utensils, clothing, snacks, coloring books, gel pens, and more. I am no longer supporting this foundation and their staff. You can check out their website at https://www.facebook.com/hofffoundation/?fref=ts so you could support the homeless women that this organization and their other programs are suppose to be doing for their "clients" to help them get out of homelessness. I am still waiting to receive their annual report in order to change the one star rating I gave on their Facebook page.
From March 2016 to November 2016, I was supporting Shower to the People, a non-profit organization, by bringing supplies of shirts, towels, toiletries, socks, etc. to Frank Fargo and Jason Dunbar, serving lunch, drinks, snacks, and distributing donations to the homeless in the Lynnwood and Everett location every Wednesday evenings and Saturday afternoons. I am no longer supporting Shower to the People as two wonderful volunteers stepped up to help lead the donations in Everett and serving lunch every Saturday in Lynnwood. Happy to help other folks knowing that Shower to the People have continuous support from Cascade View church, my friends, volunteers, and their community.
From October 2015 to May 2016, I have hosted and brought volunteers to feed weekly and sometimes by-weekly dinners the homeless men living in a temporary shelter in Bellevue called Congregation for the Homeless. The volunteers and I also brought winter clothing, underwear, socks, shoes, backpacks, sleeping bags, tents, tarps, blankets, etc.
On September 2016, I attended Helping Hands Ministries silent auction and Hopelink's luncheon. I have volunteered a weekend with the Seattle Blind Cafe in 2013 by coordinating in the kitchen and setting up the dinning room.
From January 2012 to June 2013, I hosted/volunteered with Food Lifeline in Shoreline. My Seattle Volunteers Meetup team of an average of 25 volunteers helped repack food and sort out donated items from Costco each month for 3 hours. We provided thousands of pounds of food for families in need. Visit foodlifeline.org/ to learn more about them and volunteer with them.
From 2009 to 2011, I volunteered with the United Way program as a reader for preschoolers. In 2010, I volunteered with the Special Olympics at their annual bowling event, volunteered at my children's school during their elementary school years, volunteered and helped to raise money during annual auctions with Birthday Dreams, the Genesis project, The Monroe Community Senior Center, Seattle Blind Cafe, and other non-profit organization such as The MoreLove project, and www.nphusa.org/.
Ongoing supporter/volunteer:
I am a volunteer for the ECA (Eastside Community Aid) Thrift shop in Kirkland. This non-profit, all- volunteer shop, supports charities on the East King County, Washington. Visit their website: https://ecathriftshop.org/donations.html
Homeless in the streets from Seattle to Mt. Vernon, ECA (Eastside Community Aid) Thrift Shop, Turkcha, The Rock Church in Monroe, Matthew's House, Mary's Place in Northshore, Camp Second Chance, Birthday Dreams, Sleepless in Seattle, Days for Girls, and The MORELove Project.
Past supporter/volunteer:
Lake WA United Methodist Church Safe Parking Program, Homeless in Wallingford neighborhood, AOK (Acts of Kindness) Friends, St. James Cathedral Hall outreach Program, Facing Homelessness, Relay for Life, The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, The Genesis Project, Ministerios Bethesda, Homeless outside the Union Gospel Mission in Seattle, Sophia's Way, Helping Hands Ministries International, Lynnwood's YWCA, Kirkland Hopelink, Treehouse, FoodLifeline in Shoreline, Redmond's YWCA, Special Olympics, Soles of Hope, The Forgotten Children's Fund, Eastside Camp Unity, United Way, Sibling House, Tent City, Friends of the Youth, Robert Smiley and his Hand Up Project, Cocoon House, Basket Brigade, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Washed Mobile, Monroe Community Senior Center, United Way, and non local charities: http://www.trifc.org/ and Water Without Borders.
No longer supporting or volunteering:
Lake WA United Methodist Church Safe Parking Program coordinator and staff, Seattle Union Gospel Mission Search & Rescue program, Seattle's Union Gospel Mission Men's Shelter, Faith Food bank and Meals, Seattle's FareStart, Faith Lutheran Church coordinator Roxana Boroujerdi in Everett, WA, Judy Hoffman from the Hoff Foundation and Esther's Place. Frank and Jason Dunbar's Shower to the People in Lynnwood and Everett locations, Bellevue's Congregation for the Homeless Men's Shelter, The Seattle Blind Cafe, Seattle's outdoor Operation Sack Lunch, Eastside Timebank, and The Free Little Pantry in Rose Hill.
Please visit these organizations' websites that I support and have supported since November 2009 to the present.
Matthew House: http://matthewhousemonroe.org/
Turkcha: https://www.turkcha.org/index.php
Camp Second Chance: https://campsecondchance.github.io/
Sleepless in Seattle: http://sleeplessinseattle.org/
Sleepless in Seattle Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sleeplessinseattlegiving
Mary's Place: http://www.marysplaceseattle.org/
St. James Cathedral: www.stjames-cathedral.org/outreach/kitchen.aspx
AOK Friends: https://www.facebook.com/ActsOfKindness
Days for Girls: https://www.facebook.com/DaysforGirls/
Facing Homelessness: https://www.facinghomelessness.org/
The MORELove Project: http://www.themoreloveproject.org/
Treehouse: https://www.treehouseforkids.org/
The Genesis Project: http://genesisnow.org/
United Way: http://www.unitedway.org/
Birthday Dreams: http://birthdaydreams.org/
YWCA: http://www.ywcaworks.org/
Relay for Life: http://www.cancer.org/involved/fundraise/relay-for-life.html
Soles of Hope: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.157537614314650.38332.157036871031391&
and https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.157535780981500.38329.157036871031391&:
The Sibling House: http://siblinghouse.org/
Cocoon House: http://www.cocoonhouse.org/
Food Lifeline: foodlifeline.org/
Thank you for helping me make a difference in our community and for making the lives of many folks who live in the streets or waiting for temporary housing a little more bearable.
Best Regards,
Amiga Debbie
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Goal for 2022
In 2022, to look for volunteer work with seniors, children, or a pet adoption agency in my community.
To support the local pantry in Kirkland.
I would like to connect more businesses with charity in mind.
I want to continue to inspire others to share their time in volunteering.
Thank you all for your support and caring hearts! <3
A small act of kindness goes a long way...
Best Regards,
Amiga Debbie
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Goal for 2021
In 2021, I want to find a person or organization I can join to help distribute donations and/or serve meals for the homeless folks in our city.
I would like to connect more businesses with charity in mind.
I want to continue to inspire others to share their time in volunteering.
Thank you all for your support and caring hearts! <3
A small act of kindness goes a long way...
Best Regards,
Amiga Debbie
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Goal for 2020
In 2020, I continue to prepare meals for the homeless folks in the Everett location.
I would like to connect more businesses with charity in mind.
I want to continue to inspire others to share their time in volunteering.
Thank you all for your support and caring hearts! <3
A small act of kindness goes a long way...
Best Regards,
Amiga Debbie
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Goal for 2019 was met! Thank you all for your support and generosity.
In 2019, I want to continue to support sister Elizabeth and her volunteers in feeding the homeless by bringing donations, extra food, water, juice, and coffee to contribute to her generosity of making a delicious home cooked meal for the homeless (she's been doing this for over 3 years and I've met her since May 2018).
I would like to connect more businesses with charity in mind.
I want to continue to inspire others to share their time in volunteering. Let's make this year another impact in our community!
Thank you all for your support and caring hearts! <3
A small act of kindness goes a long way...
Best Regards,
Amiga Debbie
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
My Goal for 2018 was met! Thank you all for your support and generosity.
In 2018, I want to inspire friends, family, businesses, and my community to directly support the homeless in Seattle by taking their donations to the homeless, see and feel the happiness of making a difference in their lives. Sometimes a simple act of kindness will make a huge difference in someone's life. I will continue to support reputable non-profit organizations and make a difference in our community. Let's make this year another impact in our community!
Thank you for your support!
Best Regards,
Amiga Debbie
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
My Goal for 2017 was met! Thank you all for your support and generosity.
In 2017, I want to continue to inspire friends, family, businesses, and my community to support the homeless in Seattle. Host events to inspire folks to volunteer and to donate much needed items needed/requested by the homeless. Support reputable non-profit organizations and make a difference in our community.
Thank you for your support!
Best Regards,
Amiga Debbie
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
My Goal for 2016 was met! Thank you all for your support and generosity.
In 2016, I want to inspire friends, family, businesses, and my community to support the homeless in Seattle. Host events to inspire folks to volunteer and to donate much needed items needed/requested by the homeless. Support reputable non-profit organizations and make a difference in our community.
Thank you for your support!
Best Regards,
Amiga Debbie
What I have done in the recent years and what I am currently doing as a volunteer:
I raise awareness, inspire folks to volunteer and support the homeless in our community and their community. Inspiring folks to come out and serve a meal and volunteer at my events.
September 16, 2022 to Present, feeding and bringing donations to the homeless folks in the Everett area on Mondays and Wednesdays.
February 18, 2022 to Present, volunteering at the Northshore Senior Center. Helping in the kitchen from prepping food and helping to assemble to go boxes for the senior lunches. Dishwashing, cleaning, and moving goods to their designated areas.
November 11, 2021, volunteered at a fundraising event at Bastyr University. The funds raised are going to be used for feeding the homeless teens in Seattle.
From May 2020 to May 2021, I prepared meals and gave donations for the homeless in the Everett area (Home Depot and near the Carnegie Hall.
From May 2018 to May 2020, I volunteered and supported a group of folks who were serving food for the homeless in the Seattle area by bringing food and donations to various locations in Seattle & Everett. Volunteers of all ages are welcome to join. Please contact me for more details.
What I have done in the past as a volunteer and with non-profit organizations:
From June 2019 to October 2019, I supported the families and women living in their cars at a local church's Safe Parking Program by bringing them hot meals and donations.
I raised money to buy extra items that normally are not donated regularly for the homeless. Used the funds to feed and support the homeless in our city. Also volunteered, raised money and donated to the Rock Church in Moroe's Food Rescue Program, donated to the Monroe Senior Community Center's fresh fruit and vegetable funding. Also donated funds to Mathew's house to buy new mattresses for the baby cribs.
From April 2019 to July 2019, I was a volunteer and supporter of the Monroe Community Senior Center by helping in the kitchen and dining area and providing lunches for the seniors. Also supported their thrift shop by purchasing donated items and donating items for their store. Participated in their bingo and bunco events. Also, attended and supported their annual silent auction event.
Between November 2009 through December 2017, I have been a volunteer and hostess with AOK (Acts of Kindness) Friends by preparing food, bringing donations, raising funds and donating money to the organization. I have also dropped off donations, food, water, soft drinks, ice-cream, and candy for the homeless standing outside the Union Gospel Mission in Seattle. Secured a mini van for AOK Friends food transportation (Thanks to Jack L. for his generous donation). Dropped off donations for the homeless supported by Facing Homelessness. Volunteered with Kay Abe and her church group "The Lords Table" on weeknights in 2015.
From 2014 to Nov. 2, 2018: Volunteered with Sleepless in Seattle as a team leader. Helped to distribute sleeping bags, blessing bags, socks, and snacks to the homeless in our city. I will continue to volunteer with this organization and look forward to support them each year. For more information about Sleepless in Seattle: http://sleeplessinseattle.org/
I volunteered at Mary's Place in Northshore, a family shelter housing homeless families. There are more volunteers positions available and needed throughout the year at Mary's Place. To become a volunteer, please sign up as a volunteer on their website: http://www.marysplaceseattle.org/
I volunteered with Birthday dreams by delivering a birthday package to a child/children to help celebrate their special day. Also, donated toys to give to the children they support and attended their annual auction as a volunteer and supporter.
Volunteered with the MoreLove Project by joining their Search and Rescue evening to help feed the homeless in Seattle. Also donated to their silent auction my Peruvian cookies to raise funding for their cause.
Volunteered and supported Turkcha, a women charity and aid organization. This organization supports homeless women in the Seattle area with a monthly meal and donations. Also, dropped off winter items (scarves, gloves, and hats) to the women at the YWCA in Lynnwood thanks to Value Village in Totem Lake for the wonderful donation.
On September 22, 2018, Volunteered an evening with the Fremont Arts Council during the Luminata event in Green Lake.
Between March 3, 2018 to December 2018, I visited a new homeless encampment called Camp Second Chance bringing food and donations to their residents. On December 2018, I dropped off many painting donated by The Paint Palace for the residents to decorate their tiny homes and give the paintings to their families as gifts. Thank you, Elizabeth Shriner. www.facebook.com/ThePaintedPalaces/
From Dec. 30, 2017 to Jan. 2018, I brought rescued food, clothing, shoes, blankets, and toiletries to the homeless in Wallingford. These donations were made possible by The Rock Church's food rescue program, Value Village in Totem Lake, my community, friends, and family.
From September 2017 to October 2017, I tutored Spanish sessions for middle and high school students at local libraries. The cost of the sessions was free with a donation of sleeping bags, backpacks (all types), tarps, tents, thermal clothing, hand and toes warmers, and fleece blankets to help the homeless have a more bearable winter in this cold and rainy city.
From May 2017 to September 2017, I helped the folks at a local church where families and women are allowed to park their cars overnight by hosting/serving weekly dinners for 20-30 folks with friends/volunteers. I also served and/or coordinated breakfast/lunch drop offs each week. Each Monday, a volunteer did manicures and pedicures, prepared brunch or brought bagels with cream cheese and smoked salmon for brunch. I brought coloring books and gel pens to share with the women, and distributed donations from my friends and different communities. If you are interested to host a meal or volunteer with this organization, visit their website: http://www.lwumc.com/do/community-involvement/safe-parking-program/
From April 2017 to May 2017, I have volunteered at St. James Cathedral Hall by preparing dinner in the kitchen for about 180 folks with occasional visits to bring them soft drinks, candies, food, and donations.
Between 2009 to 2016, I have also volunteered with several non-profit organizations such as Food Lifeline, Sleepless in Seattle, The Genesis Project, and Seattle Basket Brigade.
From November 2015 to March 2016, I found a homeless organization to support, a temporary shelter located in Bellevue. Prepared meals once to two times per week and brought food to feed about 80 men. With the help of volunteers from meetup.com, we were able to provide a variety of foods. Also, we brought donations of clothing, backpacks, shoes, and toiletries.
From November 2016 until March 2017, I supported the homeless folks in SODO "the jungle" (until they were relocated in March 2017) by bringing them donations from our friends and community (food, water, clothing, shoes, socks, toilet paper, and toiletries).
From October 2016 to November 23, 2016, I was supporting Esther's Place (Hoff Foundation) in Everett by spending several hours with their drop in "clients", bringing bread, bagels, pastries, coffee, containers, utensils, clothing, snacks, coloring books, gel pens, and more. I am no longer supporting this foundation and their staff. You can check out their website at https://www.facebook.com/hofffoundation/?fref=ts so you could support the homeless women that this organization and their other programs are suppose to be doing for their "clients" to help them get out of homelessness. I am still waiting to receive their annual report in order to change the one star rating I gave on their Facebook page.
From March 2016 to November 2016, I was supporting Shower to the People, a non-profit organization, by bringing supplies of shirts, towels, toiletries, socks, etc. to Frank Fargo and Jason Dunbar, serving lunch, drinks, snacks, and distributing donations to the homeless in the Lynnwood and Everett location every Wednesday evenings and Saturday afternoons. I am no longer supporting Shower to the People as two wonderful volunteers stepped up to help lead the donations in Everett and serving lunch every Saturday in Lynnwood. Happy to help other folks knowing that Shower to the People have continuous support from Cascade View church, my friends, volunteers, and their community.
From October 2015 to May 2016, I have hosted and brought volunteers to feed weekly and sometimes by-weekly dinners the homeless men living in a temporary shelter in Bellevue called Congregation for the Homeless. The volunteers and I also brought winter clothing, underwear, socks, shoes, backpacks, sleeping bags, tents, tarps, blankets, etc.
On September 2016, I attended Helping Hands Ministries silent auction and Hopelink's luncheon. I have volunteered a weekend with the Seattle Blind Cafe in 2013 by coordinating in the kitchen and setting up the dinning room.
From January 2012 to June 2013, I hosted/volunteered with Food Lifeline in Shoreline. My Seattle Volunteers Meetup team of an average of 25 volunteers helped repack food and sort out donated items from Costco each month for 3 hours. We provided thousands of pounds of food for families in need. Visit foodlifeline.org/ to learn more about them and volunteer with them.
From 2009 to 2011, I volunteered with the United Way program as a reader for preschoolers. In 2010, I volunteered with the Special Olympics at their annual bowling event, volunteered at my children's school during their elementary school years, volunteered and helped to raise money during annual auctions with Birthday Dreams, the Genesis project, The Monroe Community Senior Center, Seattle Blind Cafe, and other non-profit organization such as The MoreLove project, and www.nphusa.org/.
Ongoing supporter/volunteer:
I am a volunteer for the ECA (Eastside Community Aid) Thrift shop in Kirkland. This non-profit, all- volunteer shop, supports charities on the East King County, Washington. Visit their website: https://ecathriftshop.org/donations.html
Homeless in the streets from Seattle to Mt. Vernon, ECA (Eastside Community Aid) Thrift Shop, Turkcha, The Rock Church in Monroe, Matthew's House, Mary's Place in Northshore, Camp Second Chance, Birthday Dreams, Sleepless in Seattle, Days for Girls, and The MORELove Project.
Past supporter/volunteer:
Lake WA United Methodist Church Safe Parking Program, Homeless in Wallingford neighborhood, AOK (Acts of Kindness) Friends, St. James Cathedral Hall outreach Program, Facing Homelessness, Relay for Life, The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, The Genesis Project, Ministerios Bethesda, Homeless outside the Union Gospel Mission in Seattle, Sophia's Way, Helping Hands Ministries International, Lynnwood's YWCA, Kirkland Hopelink, Treehouse, FoodLifeline in Shoreline, Redmond's YWCA, Special Olympics, Soles of Hope, The Forgotten Children's Fund, Eastside Camp Unity, United Way, Sibling House, Tent City, Friends of the Youth, Robert Smiley and his Hand Up Project, Cocoon House, Basket Brigade, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Washed Mobile, Monroe Community Senior Center, United Way, and non local charities: http://www.trifc.org/ and Water Without Borders.
No longer supporting or volunteering:
Lake WA United Methodist Church Safe Parking Program coordinator and staff, Seattle Union Gospel Mission Search & Rescue program, Seattle's Union Gospel Mission Men's Shelter, Faith Food bank and Meals, Seattle's FareStart, Faith Lutheran Church coordinator Roxana Boroujerdi in Everett, WA, Judy Hoffman from the Hoff Foundation and Esther's Place. Frank and Jason Dunbar's Shower to the People in Lynnwood and Everett locations, Bellevue's Congregation for the Homeless Men's Shelter, The Seattle Blind Cafe, Seattle's outdoor Operation Sack Lunch, Eastside Timebank, and The Free Little Pantry in Rose Hill.
Please visit these organizations' websites that I support and have supported since November 2009 to the present.
Matthew House: http://matthewhousemonroe.org/
Turkcha: https://www.turkcha.org/index.php
Camp Second Chance: https://campsecondchance.github.io/
Sleepless in Seattle: http://sleeplessinseattle.org/
Sleepless in Seattle Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sleeplessinseattlegiving
Mary's Place: http://www.marysplaceseattle.org/
St. James Cathedral: www.stjames-cathedral.org/outreach/kitchen.aspx
AOK Friends: https://www.facebook.com/ActsOfKindness
Days for Girls: https://www.facebook.com/DaysforGirls/
Facing Homelessness: https://www.facinghomelessness.org/
The MORELove Project: http://www.themoreloveproject.org/
Treehouse: https://www.treehouseforkids.org/
The Genesis Project: http://genesisnow.org/
United Way: http://www.unitedway.org/
Birthday Dreams: http://birthdaydreams.org/
YWCA: http://www.ywcaworks.org/
Relay for Life: http://www.cancer.org/involved/fundraise/relay-for-life.html
Soles of Hope: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.157537614314650.38332.157036871031391&
and https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.157535780981500.38329.157036871031391&:
The Sibling House: http://siblinghouse.org/
Cocoon House: http://www.cocoonhouse.org/
Food Lifeline: foodlifeline.org/
Thank you for helping me make a difference in our community and for making the lives of many folks who live in the streets or waiting for temporary housing a little more bearable.
Best Regards,
Amiga Debbie
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Goal for 2022
In 2022, to look for volunteer work with seniors, children, or a pet adoption agency in my community.
To support the local pantry in Kirkland.
I would like to connect more businesses with charity in mind.
I want to continue to inspire others to share their time in volunteering.
Thank you all for your support and caring hearts! <3
A small act of kindness goes a long way...
Best Regards,
Amiga Debbie
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Goal for 2021
In 2021, I want to find a person or organization I can join to help distribute donations and/or serve meals for the homeless folks in our city.
I would like to connect more businesses with charity in mind.
I want to continue to inspire others to share their time in volunteering.
Thank you all for your support and caring hearts! <3
A small act of kindness goes a long way...
Best Regards,
Amiga Debbie
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Goal for 2020
In 2020, I continue to prepare meals for the homeless folks in the Everett location.
I would like to connect more businesses with charity in mind.
I want to continue to inspire others to share their time in volunteering.
Thank you all for your support and caring hearts! <3
A small act of kindness goes a long way...
Best Regards,
Amiga Debbie
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Goal for 2019 was met! Thank you all for your support and generosity.
In 2019, I want to continue to support sister Elizabeth and her volunteers in feeding the homeless by bringing donations, extra food, water, juice, and coffee to contribute to her generosity of making a delicious home cooked meal for the homeless (she's been doing this for over 3 years and I've met her since May 2018).
I would like to connect more businesses with charity in mind.
I want to continue to inspire others to share their time in volunteering. Let's make this year another impact in our community!
Thank you all for your support and caring hearts! <3
A small act of kindness goes a long way...
Best Regards,
Amiga Debbie
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My Goal for 2018 was met! Thank you all for your support and generosity.
In 2018, I want to inspire friends, family, businesses, and my community to directly support the homeless in Seattle by taking their donations to the homeless, see and feel the happiness of making a difference in their lives. Sometimes a simple act of kindness will make a huge difference in someone's life. I will continue to support reputable non-profit organizations and make a difference in our community. Let's make this year another impact in our community!
Thank you for your support!
Best Regards,
Amiga Debbie
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My Goal for 2017 was met! Thank you all for your support and generosity.
In 2017, I want to continue to inspire friends, family, businesses, and my community to support the homeless in Seattle. Host events to inspire folks to volunteer and to donate much needed items needed/requested by the homeless. Support reputable non-profit organizations and make a difference in our community.
Thank you for your support!
Best Regards,
Amiga Debbie
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My Goal for 2016 was met! Thank you all for your support and generosity.
In 2016, I want to inspire friends, family, businesses, and my community to support the homeless in Seattle. Host events to inspire folks to volunteer and to donate much needed items needed/requested by the homeless. Support reputable non-profit organizations and make a difference in our community.
Thank you for your support!
Best Regards,
Amiga Debbie

My Goal for 2015 was met! Thank you all for your support and generosity.
To raise money for the purchase of sleeping bags, tents, backpacks, and tarps for the homeless in Seattle. Inspire friends, family, and my community to donate much needed items (Blankets, tents, backpacks, sleeping bags, tarps, socks, underwear, winter clothing, shoes, working boots, and toiletries). Support other non-profit charities such as Sleepless in Seattle, Seattle Baskets Brigade, Relay for Life, Children's Country Home, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Days for Girls International, and other local non-profit charities.
Please check my events page from time to time to support my goal. Special thanks goes to The Community of Kirkland, Bothell Community, Kirkland Value Village, Amazing Friends and Neighbors for all your donations. It is greatly appreciated by me and by the homeless. Together, we make a difference in our community and in their lives. To donate online, go to Paypal.com, click on "Send" Select Friends/Family and enter [email protected] in the recipient box.
Thank you for your support and caring hearts!
Best Regards,
Amiga Debbie
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My Goal for 2014 was met! Thank you all for your support and generosity.
To provide tents, sleeping backs, and backpacks for the homeless and camp unity residents that need them the most. It was met! Thanks to friends and the community's donations and especially Sleepless in Seattle. Thank you from all the homeless recipients of your generosity and kind hearts!
Best Regards,
Amiga Debbie